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Gastrointestinal Cancer Research Division

Key outcomes of the translational research activities of the Division:

  1. The Division has developed the procedure for combination treatment of patients with colorectal cancer and liver metastases. The objective response rate to pre-surgery chemotherapy among patients with colorectal cancer and liver metastases is at least 50%. Pre-surgery chemotherapy does not increase the probability of post-surgery complications and allows to perform surgeries with an R0 resection margin for most of such patients.
  2. The obtained data have shown that pre-surgery chemoradiation can result in significant tumor regression in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer, which allows to make a minimally invasive surgery a viable treatment option for many patients and improves the long-term treatment outcomes. It is necessary to find effective criteria for defining radiosensitivity and the degree of tumor regression due to chemoradiation.
  3. The obtained results are indicative of the safety of modified extralevator abdominoperineal resection and can predict enhanced long-term treatment outcomes of patients with rectal lower ampulla cancer due to the decreased local recurrence rates of the disease.

The Division’s main research activities are:

Development of techniques to increase the efficacy of combination treatment of disseminated colorectal cancers
Development of methods for achieving better results of combination treatment of rectal cancer due to the use of pre-surgery chemoradiation
Development of techniques for the closure of pelvic floor defects

The Department is headed by Dr Aleksey M. Karachun , D.Sc. and a professor at the Oncology Department of the I.I. Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University.

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