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Запись на прием

Merabishvili, V.M. (2011).

Survival of Cancer Patients.

Second issue. Part 1.

(Professor Yu.A. Shcherbuk Ed.). Saint Petersburg, 332 pages

Survival_1_2011_page.pdf - download

Survival_2_2011_page.pdf - download

Merabishvili, V.M. (2013).

Cancer incidence in Saint Petersburg

(operative report for 2011-2012: Vol. 18). Saint Petersburg. 368 pages.

Cancer incidence in Saint Petersburg - download

Merabishvili, V.M. (2015).

Oncological statistics (traditional methods, new information technologies): Guidelines for physicians.

Part I. 2nd edn. 223 pages.

Oncological statistics Part 1 - download

Oncological statistics Part 2 - download

Merabishvili, V.M. and Belyaev, A.M. (Eds.). (2015)

Cancer in the North-West Federal District of Russia.

Cancer in the North-West Federal District of Russia.

Saint Petersburg. 556 pages.

Cancer in the North-West Federal District of Russia. - download

Merabishvili, V.M. (2015)

Malignant tumors in Saint Petersburg

(analysis of cancer registry database according to international standards: morbidity, mortality, survival).

(A.M. Belyaev Ed.). Saint Petersburg. 296 pages.

Malignant tumors in Saint Petersburg - download

Belyaev, A.M., Manikhas, G.M. and Merabishvili, V.M. (Eds.)

Malignant tumors in St. Petersburg and other administrative regions of the North-West Federal District of Russia (morbidity, mortality, prevalence rate, survival).


Saint Petersburg. 208 pages.

Malignant tumors in St. Petersburg and other administrative regions of the North-West Federal District of Russia - download

Malignant tumors in the North-West Federal District of Russia.

EXPRESS INFORMATION. Issue III. 2017. Saint Petersburg. 282 pages.

Malignant tumors in the North-West Federal District of Russia - download

Merabishvili, V.M.

Malignant tumors in the North-West Federal District of Russia (morbidity, mortality, prevalence rate, survival).

Express information. Issue 4.

(Professor M.A. Belyaev Ed.)

Malignant tumors in the North-West Federal District of Russia (morbidity, mortality, prevalence rate, survival) - Скачать

Merabishvili, V.M. (2018)

Medical-statistical terminological glossary

(methodical manual for physicians, residents, graduate students and researchers).

Saint Petersburg. Print on demand edition. 100 pages.

Медико-статистический словарь (Методическое пособие для врачей, ординаторов, аспирантов и научных сотрудников) - Скачать

Merabishvili, V.M.

Malignant tumors in the North-West Federal District of Russia (morbidity, mortality, index accuracy, survival).

Express information. Issue 5.

(Professor M.A. Belyaev and Professor A.M. Shcherbakov Eds.)

Malignant tumors in the North-West Federal District of Russia (morbidity, mortality, index accuracy, survival) - download

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