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Research Division of Innovative Techniques in Medical Oncology and Rehabilitation Medicine

The Division is one of the leaders in clinical and experimental oncology that works closely with the Cancer Immunology Research Division, Laboratory of Molecular Oncology, Endocrinology Laboratory, Laboratory of Carcinogenesis and Aging, Laboratory of Cancer Chemoprevention and Oncopharmacology, Tumor Morphology Division and all clinical departments of the Center.

Using the results of basic and clinical experimental research, the Division develops and introduces into practice innovative systemic treatments (targeted therapy, high dose chemotherapy, bone marrow transplantation, immunotherapy) and rehabilitation techniques for adults and children with various types of malignant neoplasms.

The Division’s team includes 7 doctors of medical sciences, 8 candidates of medical science and 2 candidates of psychological sciences. At one point almost every chemotherapist of Saint Petersburg either studied or worked at the Division.

Since its establishment in 1965 and till 2013 the Division was headed by Professor Mikhail L. Gershanovich, D.M.Sc., whose other honors included a merited scientist of the Russian Federation, a laureate of the state prize and a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Since 2014 the Division is headed by Tatiana Yu. Semiglazova. In addition to her role as Head of the Division, she is a leading researcher, a professor at the Oncology Department of the I.I. Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University and has the highest qualification category. Professor Semiglazova is a member of several professional organizations, such as the Science Society of Oncology of Saint Petersburg, the Society of Chemotherapists of Saint Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast, the Russian Association of Oncological Mammology (board member), the Russian Society of Clinical Oncology, the Russian Society of Rehabilitation Therapists, the American Society of Clinical Oncology and the European Society of Medical Oncology. Professor Semiglazova joined the Center more than 20 years ago. She defended her PhD and D.Sc. dissertations under the academic supervision of Professor Gershanovich.

Professor Semiglazova’s professional interests include antitumor medical therapy (chemotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy) and accompanying therapy of various malignant neoplasms as well as the development or improvement of the rehabilitation medicine techniques for cancer patients. She is a regular speaker and presenter at Russian and international conferences, and has been a member of the expert committee to devise the guidelines of the Russian Association of Oncological Mammology and the Russian Society of Clinical Oncology. She has delivered multiple lectures throughout the country, dealing with issues of the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors. She teaches practicing physicians through regular master classes and seminars, and gives presentations and holds Q&A sessions as part of the Cancer School for Patients. She has written more than 140 research papers, 5 monographs, several chapters in 3 handbooks of oncology and 15 guidance manuals for physicians.

The Division’s mission is:

  • to develop fundamental and clinical experimental basis for effective treatment (chemotherapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy) of malignant tumors as well as the criteria for assessment of the efficacy of methods of treatment and ways of personalizing treatment of children and adults, including in the context of immunological homeostasis,
  • to develop and introduce into use innovative technologies aimed at increasing the efficacy of the diagnosis and treatment - including bone marrow transplantation - of malignant neoplasms in children and adults,
  • to study and introduce into use various anticancer medications (cytostatics, hormone drugs and target drugs) and agents of accompanying therapy of malignant neoplasms,
  • to create, in close cooperation with the cancer immunology department, a registry of patients with main socially significant malignant tumors, featuring a biological sample bank,
  • to develop new and improve existing techniques of rehabilitation, including a network of professional psychological counselling for patients with various malignant tumors of different stages,
  • to train research and medical professionals.

The Division was the first in Saint Petersburg to take part international clinical trials of phases I-III to study the efficacy and tolerance of anticancer drugs and agents used in accompanying therapy and the work in this area is still going on. More than 150 medications have been studied; some of them are successfully used in the field of oncology and hematology.

Clinical sites of the Division:

The Division’s accomplishments in the field of science and research:

The Division is headed by Professor Tatiana Yu. Semiglazova, D.M.Sc., leading researcher.

Our team:

Sergei M. Alekseev, senior researcher

Margarita V. Vagaitseva, researcher

Albina S. Zhabina, researcher

Daria A. Zvyagintseva, researcher

Tatiana A. Karavaeva, leading researcher

Boris S. Kasparov, researcher

Veronika V. Klimenko, researcher

Yuri I. Komarov, researcher

Kristina O. Kondratieva, researcher

Svetlana A. Kuleva, leasing researcher

Dilorom Kh. Latipova, researcher

Fedor V. Moiseenko, researcher

Margarita S. Motalkina, researcher

Svetlana G. Nazarova, assistant researcher

Yulia A. Oleynik, assistant researcher

Mikhail A. Osipov, assistant researcher

Elena V. Pestereva, researcher

Svetlana A. Protsenko, leading researcher

Anna I. Semenova, researcher

Tatiana Yu. Semiglazova, head of the Division

Aleksandr N. Stukov, senior researcher

Gulfia M. Teletaeva, researcher

Larisa V. Filatova, leading researcherd

Department history

Научная продукция за 2018 год

Список научных работ за 2018 год

Противоопухолевые препараты, зарегистрированные в 2016 году

Темы научно-исследовательских работ (НИР) и диссертационных работ, выполняемых в НОИМТОиР

Научные публикации сотрудников НОИМТОиР за 2016 год

Научные доклады 2016 года НОИМТОиР

Кадры и их подготовка НОИМТОиР

Фармакотерапия опухолей. Посвящается памяти Михаила Лазаревича Гершановича // А.Н. Стуков и коллектив авторов / Под ред. А.Н. Стукова, М.А. Бланка, Т.Ю. Семиглазовой, А.М. Беляева. – СПб: Издательство АНО «Вопросы онкологии», 2017, 512 с.

Онкопсихология для врачей-онкологов и медицинских психологов. Руководство // А.М. Беляев и коллектив авторов / Ред. А.М. Беляев, В.А. Чулкова, Т.Ю. Семиглазова, М.В. Рогачев. – СПб: Любавич, 2017, 352 с.

Онкопсихология для врачей-онкологов и медицинских психологов. Руководство. Издание 2-ое, дополненное // А.М. Беляев и коллектив авторов / Ред. А.М. Беляев, В.А. Чулкова, Т.Ю. Семиглазова, М.В. Рогачев. – СПб: Издательство АНО «Вопросы онкологии», 2018, 436 с.

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