Laboratory of Cancer Chemoprevention and Oncopharmacology
The Laboratory of Cancer Chemoprevention and Oncopharmacology searches for, studies and implements into clinical practice efficient cancer drugs, as well as means and measures for the prevention of cancer development, and conducts pharmacology and toxicity studies of drugs. The translational research activities of the Laboratory are aimed at the development of new techniques of cancer prevention and ways of increasing the efficacy and decreasing the toxicity of medical therapy of malignant tumors.
Building on the research which was started at the Center 60 years ago, the Laboratory has developed new original anti-cancer drugs as well as medicines used for chemoprevention of cancer, which are either already used in clinical practice or are undergoing clinical and preclinical trails.
The team of the Laboratory includes professionals from various specialties - physicians, pharmacologists and biologists, who face such comprehensive tasks as development, study and introduction into clinical practice of new medications used for chemoprevention of cancer and treatment of tumors.
The Laboratory of Cancer Chemoprevention and Oncopharmacology strives to:
- develop new dosage formulations of cancer drugs developed by the Laboratory using nanotechnologies,
- conduct pre-clinical studies of possible uses of cancer drugs in high-tech cancer therapies, such as normothermic and hyperthermic chemoperfusion, and
- implement developed cancer drugs into clinical practice.
The Laboratory has developed a procedure for pre-clinical and clinical study of drugs used for chemoprevention of cancer. We have created new original experimental models of most common human cancers, such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, endometrial cancer, cervical cancer, skin cancer, etc. The Laboratory has developed new original cancer drugs and drugs used for chemoprevention of cancer, which are used in clinical practice or are undergoing pre-clinical and clinical trials. We have developed and introduced into clinical practice mamoclam – a cancer drug used to treat fibrocystic breast disease. The introduction of two new cancer drugs – dioxadet and chlonizol – into clinical practice is the most promising avenue for the Laboratory at the moment.

The Laboratory is headed by Grigoriy V. Tochilnikov, PhD in Medicine, oncologist.
Team of the Laboratory:
Professor Valeriy A. Aleksandrov, leading researcher, D.M.Sc.
Irina N. Vasilieva, PhD in Biology, senior researcher
Olesya A. Vasilieva, PhD in Biology, senior researcher
Nadezhda T. Zhilinskaya, PhD in Biology, researcher
Yaroslav G. Murazov, PhD in Biology, senior researcher
Yulia G. Zimitrichenko, junior researcher
Elena D. Ermakova, junior researcher
Ekaterina A. Vyshinskaya, research assistant
Andrei A. Kuzhanov, research assistant
Key research findings and prospects for cancer chemoprevention