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Laboratory of Carcinogenesis and Aging

The Laboratory boasts the following achievements in the field of translational research:

  1. Our experiments have identified the main patterns of the modifying effects of age on the sensitivity of the human body to carcinogens. We have shown that disruptions of the light-dark cycle may be contribute to cancer development and aging, which provided the experts of the International Agency for Research on Cancer with a basis to conclude that shift work involving disturbances to the circadian rhythm might have carcinogenic effect on people. Our Laboratory has discovered that aging and cancer development may be delayed by the action of melatonin which a hormone primarily released by the pineal gland, epitalon which a synthetic peptide, and some antidiabetic drugs, such as metformin.
  2. We have developed an internationally acclaimed procedure for the experimental evaluation of new geroprotectors, using some biomarkers of aging.
  3. Our Laboratory has also defined the role of molecular and genetic factors in cancer development and aging.

Promising areas of further research into the mechanisms of carcinogenesis and aging include the use of new experimental models, first and foremost, genetically modified mice. For example, our experiments with animals having a disrupted DNA repair system have identified the role of DNA repair in aging and cancer development, and the experiments with mice having incorporated mammary gland cancer gene have shown dramatic propagation of cancer development and accelerated aging. The use of a broader spectrum of genetically modified mice is crucial for understanding the mechanisms of abnormalities in neuroendocrine regulation, involved in carcinogenesis and aging, and the role of expression of some genes in these processes. Trials of new candidate geroprotectors involving various genetic types of animals allow to more accurately extrapolate information form the experimental data and apply it to humans.

A new line of research pursued by the Division includes the use of zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model organism to study molecular mechanisms of tumor growth, as well as the development of ways to integrate this model into pre-clinical trials of drugs. At present the Laboratory is maintaining more than 20 mutant and transgenic strains of zebrafish that are used for various studies in the field of oncology, genetics, transplantology and regenerative medicine.

Additionally, in the field of oncoecology the Division prioritizes the study of carcinogens found in the environment and the development of the measures to prevent cancer. Our Laboratory was the first in the world to begin monitoring the most prevalent group of carcinogens – polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (especially, benzo[a]pyrene) – in various environmental compartments, such as industrial emissions, vehicular exhaust fumes; the air, soil, water; food products and cigarette smoke. Using high-sensitive and specific analytical methods, the Laboratory is conducting a study into another group of carcinogens – nitrosamines. The methods we have developed have been recognized as a standard, which has helped to set off the national carcinogen monitoring system.

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