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Molecular biology tests

Molecular biology tests are performed using polymerase chain reaction.

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a method used to detect nucleic acids (genetic material) of a pathogen. Unlike many other traditional diagnosis methods, which can only identify indirect signs of an infection, PCR can help to identify a DNA fragment that is unique for a specific pathogen in a tested sample.

PCR can be especially useful to detect specific pathogens that are difficult to culture in vitro (ureaplasma, mycobacteria, etc.) and pathogens that are uncultivatable (viruses, chlamydia, etc.), which can often be the cause of hidden or chronic infections.

Samples of any tissue or body fluid may be used for a PCR test.

A PCR test takes 4-4.5 hours.

The PCR laboratory is located at the premises of the bacteriology laboratory of the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine of the Center, which helps to consolidate the laboratories’ activities and decrease the time necessary to identify a pathogen which has crucial importance in clinical practice.

Prices for some of the main types of research:

Molecular biology tests to identify STDs

Molecular biology tests to identify high-risk HPV (screening)

Molecular biology tests to identify high-risk HPV, genotypes (quantitative)

Prices for some of the most common tests (listed below) can be found in the price list, using the quick search feature.

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