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Medical tourism

The N.N. Petrov National Medical Research Center of Oncology – known as the N.N. Petrov National Research Institute of Oncology before August 2017 – is one of the largest treatment and diagnostic medical facilities and a leading center for cancer research in Russia.

The staff of the N.N. Petrov National Medical Research Center of Oncology have made considerable contributions to science – the Center is home to 150 Ph.D. holders, 59 D.Sc. holders, 22 professors, 3 members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 meritorious scientist of Russia and 5 honored doctors of Russia – and established themselves as representative members of various international professional organizations.

  • 22 ESMO Members;
  • 8 ASCO Members;
  • 8 ESO Members;
  • 2 ASH Members;
  • 2 EACR Members;
  • 5 ESGO Members;
  • 6 ESSO Members;
  • 1 ENIGO Member;
  • 10 ESR Members;
  • 2 EAU Members;
  • 2 EACTS Members;
  • 1 IASLC Member;
  • 1 EESG Member;
  • 1 ESTRO Member;
  • 1 EANM Member;
  • 1 IGCA Member;
  • 1 EATS Member;
  • 1 EAES Member;

The N.N. Petrov National Medical Research Center of Oncology provides services aimed at prevention, identification and treatment of malignant neoplasms, pre-malignant conditions and cancer comorbidities, and rehabilitation of cancer patients.

Cancer immunology has been a separate area of focus of the Center.

The Center has been successfully using dendritic cell vaccine therapy – an innovative technique in the field of cancer immunology. For the past fifteen years it has been showing remarkable clinical efficacy for treatment of melanomas, soft tissue sarcomas, colon cancer and kidney cancer. Since 2010, 203 patients have undergone dendritic cell vaccine therapy at the Cancer Immunology Research Division of the Centre with the most impressive outcomes. Building on these remarkable results, dendritic cell vaccine therapy is finding ever-widening applications to treat a larger spectrum of cancers at the Center.

How to schedule a virtual consultation with a physician of the N.N. Petrov National Medical Research Center of Oncology?

At the present moment, all virtual consultations with physicians of the N.N. Petrov National Medical Research Center of Oncology can only be scheduled via patients’ accounts. Please note that you are not supposed to send your medical records to physicians of the Center via your account for review before an in-person appointment.

How to set up an account?

  • You can access your account on your computer/laptop at lk-helper or go to the Center’s website and click the My Account tab on the main page.
  • You can access your account from your smartphone by opening the NMRC of Oncology: My Account app (runs in test mode on Android phones), which you can download from Google Play or by scanning the QR-code at lk-helper.

Patients need to visit the Center’s website and create a personal account, following the steps below:

  1. Click the My Account tab on the main page of the Center’s website or run the NMRC of Oncology: My Account app on your smartphone;
  2. When accessing your account via the My Account tab on the main page of the Center’s website, click the Log In tab and you will see a pop-up window, where you should select the Foreign Nationals option;
  3. If you are using the NMRC of Oncology: My Account app, run the app and select the Foreign Nationals option;
  4. In the “Login” field enter your email address and in the “Password” field enter the password that you have previously created;
  5. Tick the box allowing the Center’s system to access your data;
  6. Tick the box allowing the processing of your personal data;
  7. Once your identity has been verified, your account page will open.

After authentication, you have successfully created an account.

How to upload files?

  1. Click the My files tab.
  2. Click the Upload files button.
  3. On the pop-up screen find a file on your computer you would like to upload, click on it and press the Open button (like when you attach a file to an email).
  4. Click the Green tick button to upload your files.

Important! The system only accepts uploads in word or pdf file format, or zip archive file format that are not larger than 1 GB.

Average size of medical scans:

  • One MRI scan with contrast of 1 area is 100 MB.
  • One CT scan with contrast of 1 area is 200 MB.
  • One histological scan of 1 slide is 1 GB.

Once you have created an account, you and a staff member of the Center will receive an email notification. Every time you upload a file, a staff member of the Center will also receive an email notification.

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