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For booking medical appointments:
+7 (812) 43-99-555 Monday-Sunday
from 9:00 to 21:00
Запись на прием

Information for patients from outside Saint Petersburg

Telemedicine consultations between doctors

Since 2018, the Center has been offering telemedicine consultations between doctors.

At present the Center provides this service to all federal constituent entities of Russia.

How to use this service?

If you would like to use the service, you should write a request to schedule a telemedicine consultation with the Center, addressed to the chief of medicine of the medical facility where you are receiving treatment.

What documentation do you need to provide?

For a proper telemedicine consultation you are required to provide the following medical documentation: hospital discharge summary, histopathology reports, CT/MRI/PET-CT scans and histology scans. Follow the link to see more details: https://www.niioncologii.ru/experts/telemedicina

Waiting time: 5 working days from the day when a request has been sent.

Fee: free of charge.


Remote consultations between doctors and patients

If you live outside Saint Petersburg and would like to have a remote consultation with a specialist, have the results of your radiological investigations analyzed and receive the results of your lab tests, you can use your personal account at the Center’s website (as per Federal Law 323).

In accordance with applicable legislation, a doctor can establish a diagnosis and devise a treatment plan only at a face-to-face appointment.

How to use this service?

Create a personal account at the Centre’s website and upload all required documents.

Waiting time: 5 working days from the day when the payment has been received.

Fee: 5,220 Russian rubles

Remote consultations between doctors and patients

Inpatient care at the Center

The Center’s in-patient care facility provides special and high-tech medical care covered by state-sponsored mandatory medical insurance to all citizens of Russia (from any federal constituent entity of Russia, including Saint Petersburg).

In-patient care

Face-to-face consultations with health care proxies

The health care proxy of a patient may have a face-to-face consultation with the specialists of the Center, bring biological material of the patient to the Center (liquid material, histology slides and paraffin blocks) to be re-examined at the Center’s laboratory and collect the consultation summary.

How to use this service?

Please call +7(812)43-99-555to schedule an appointment. Click to see the appointment scheduling procedure.

You should bring biologic material to be re-examined (for a fee) at the Center’s laboratory to the front desk of the Consultative and diagnostic department (Mon-Sun, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.), or the front desk of the Laboratory building (Mon-Sun, 8 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.), or one of our consultative and diagnostic offices during its opening hours. Click to see the addresses of our offices.

Attention! The service may only be granted if the health care proxy is able to produce the original and copy of their passport, and the original and copy of the power of attorney drawn up as per the established form.

Click to see the price.

Outpatient appointments and diagnostic tests

Out-patient consultations with specialists of the Center are provided on a paid basis, as they are not covered by state-sponsored mandatory medical insurance.

Monthly appointment scheduling plan

Exceptions. An initial consultation with a general oncologist is free of charge.

Click to see details.

Some diagnostic investigations may be free of charge, provided that the patient has a 057/u-04 referral letter.

Click to see diagnostic investigations covered by mandatory medical insurance.


Patients can use services provided by the Center only if they are able to produce the following documents:

  • original and copy of the passport;
  • mandatory medical insurance card and individual insurance account number (SNILS) (the originals and copies) to compile the medical record of the patient at the time of their initial appointment;
  • voluntary health insurance card (the original) which should be produced every time the patient visits the Center if their treatment is covered by mandatory medical insurance.

When a patient payment agreement is being set up, any natural person accompanying the patient and being able to produce their passport may pay for the medical services. The agreement may only be signed by the patient in their own hand.

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