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Treatment of cancer in children

In the Department of Chemotherapy and Combined modality treatment of malignant tumors in children of the N.N.Petrov National Medicine Research Center of Oncology , children under 18 years old receive modern high-tech combined treatment with any types of tumors. There are 25 beds in the department.

Kuleva Svetlana Aleksandrovna, Head of the department of Chemotherapy and Combined Modality Treatment of malignant tumors in children, D. M. Sc., Professor says:

«Today, thanks to the introduction of modern technology, about 80% of children with malignant diseases recover and return to full-fledged life.»

Many childhood tumors respond well to chemotherapy treatment. Reaction to drug therapy in children are different from the reaction to drug therapy in adult patients.

The diagnosis of malignant diseases in children is very difficult and requires special attention, because the early symptoms of a malignant disease may be similar to the symptoms of all childhood illnesses, like: body temperature rise, stomachache, headache and weakness.

The early diagnosis is one of the most important steps on the road to recovery. As soon as possible parents need to go to the doctor, if they suspect a tumor. In this way the treatment will be more effective. Unfortunately, the practice shows that children are admitted to hospital when the disease is already in stages III-IV.

The team of the Department of Chemotherapy and Combined Modality Treatment of malignant tumors has prepared a brochure “Oncological vigilance of parents” for parents which can be downloaded here.

The brochure contains information in an accessible language about what to pay attention to in order not to miss cancer in a child.

According to children's oncologists, parents’ attention is extremely important.

Timely examination of the child by pediatrician, consultation of specialists, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, blood tests, focusing on the child’s health and complaints – all these moments play an important role in the diagnosis of malignant diseases.

Do not postpone the examination for later. Heath of your child – is the highest reward for you.

To hospitalize a child in the N.N. Petrov NMRC of Oncology, it’s necessary to make an appointment with an oncologist by the phone:

8 (812) 43-99-555 From 9a.m. to 9 p.m. (seven days a week)


The department was founded in 1966.

The leading methods of treatment were surgery and radiation therapy.

At that time a number of outstanding scientists worked at the institute, scientific researching was carried out, diagnostic and treatment methods were developed and improved.

Over time, the leading place in the treatment of children with malignant tumors was taken by Combined Modality Treatment with the increasing role of multicomponent «aggressive chemotherapy».

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