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Molecular cancer diagnostics

Molecular genetic tests have become a staple in the field of the diagnosis and treatment of cancer worldwide.

Genetic mutations, which are a permanent alteration in the genome occurring in one of the billions of cells that make up a human body, are the most common cause of cancer. Genetic mutations disrupt the normal functioning of cells, which leads to their uncontrollable and unrestricted growth, division and spreading throughout the body (metastasis). Such mutations are accumulated in cancer cells, allowing to differentiate them from normal cells, and use this knowledge to treat cancer.

Thanks to the use of molecular genetic testing in clinical practice, it is now possible to analyze the tumor of each patient and compose a patient-specific profile of potential target molecules. The Molecular Oncology Laboratory of the Center offers a full range of molecular genetic tests to cancer patients and their families.

Who should have molecular genetic testing?

  • Patients with a confirmed cancer diagnosis, as it will help to select the most effective drug treatment.
  • Patients under the age of 50 with breast, testicular, stomach and pancreatic cancer, as it will help to identify susceptibility to cancer and adjust the treatment plan.
  • Healthy people with a strong family history of cancer, as it will help to identify their susceptibility to cancer and facilitate early detection of tumors.

The Center offers a full range of procedures aimed at testing for hereditary predisposition to breast cancer.

Any person can be a carrier of gene mutations that are dangerous for the person themselves or their children. Molecular genetic tests are used to identify inherited mutations using genome sequencing. Or, they can be used to analyze a tumor and all the mutations of cells that have caused this tumor to grow. In this case, it is also necessary to analyze the genome of the entire body to compare the DNA sequence of the tumor with the DNA sequence of the body. That is why, in the future it will be used to treat any tumor.

Click the link to learn more about the Molecular Oncology Laboratory.

Click the link to learn more about the Molecular Genetic Testing Division of the Reference Center.

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