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Endoscopic laser surgery

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Endoscopic laser surgery is a novel treatment modality for cancer all over the world.

The N.N. Petrov National Medical Research Center of Oncology is the first medical facility in Saint Petersburg which started treating cancer patients using minimally invasive endoscopic CO2 laser surgery.

Surgeries are performed at the inpatient surgery facility of the Center.

What are the indications for endoscopic laser surgery?

  • Early stages of larynx cancer, tonsil cancer, leukoplakia of the tunica mucosa of the mouth, precancerous vocal apparatus disorders and other early stage neoplastic processes of the head and neck.

What are the advantages of endoscopic laser surgery?

  • Endoscopic laser surgery allows patients with head and neck tumors to forego chemoradiation, which usually lasts for long periods of time and has a number of treatment-related complications.
  • No swelling after the surgery, which may make breathing and, in some diseases, eating more difficult.
  • Less trauma and quicker recovery after surgery.

What equipment is used for endoscopic laser surgery?

In 2020, the Center acquired the KLS Martin surgical laser system. This unique system uses a user-specific program to adjust the depth and size of the incision, makes incisions of any shape depending on the anatomy of the surface, and offers precision control of ablation and hemostasis of the tissue.

It has the wavelength of 10.6 µm (1,060 nm) and emits infrared laser light. Due to its characteristics, the system guarantees reduced tissue carbonization and can operate in several modes depending on the task at hand. The laser system is connected with a ridged arm to the surgical microscope, video camera and monitor.

Who is eligible for endoscopic laser surgery?

  • Any resident of Russia

How to get the treatment you need?

Please call +7(812)43-99-555 and the call center will be able to schedule you an appointment to see a surgical oncologist of the head and neck surgical department. You will be charged for consultations. Click to see the price.

How much does endoscopic laser surgery cost?

For Russian citizens, surgery is covered either through subsidies of the Russian Ministry of Health or state-sponsored mandatory medical insurance plan, provided a patient has a 057/u-04 referral letter. Also, surgery may be performed on a paying basis. Click to see the price.

What documents do you need to provide to receive insurance covered treatment?

Click to see the list.

Video. Endoscopic laser surgery

To submit a request for an appointment

Who performs surgery?

Zamira A. Radzhabova, PhD (Medicine), oncologist, Head of the Head and Neck Surgical Department. In 2019, Dr Radzhabova did a laser surgery training course at HNO Klinik, Tübingen (Germany).

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