Цвет: CCC
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For booking medical appointments:
+7 (812) 43-99-555 Monday-Sunday
from 9:00 to 21:00
Запись на прием
Important! Under Federal Law No. 323 On the Fundamentals of Public Health Protection in the Russian Federation, only a legally authorized representative who has a notarized power of attorney may submit samples for lab tests instead of a patient if the latter is unable to do so themselves, or receive any privileged medical information about a patient.

Diagnostic services

The Center’s clinical and diagnostic departments offer diagnostic services to patients with confirmed malignant neoplasms, pre-cancerous conditions and suspected tumors.

Outpatient care

The outpatient care clinic specializes in treatment of malignant tumors, minor surgery, radio-wave therapy (for gynecologic cancers), laser therapy, cryosurgery, etc. Cancer immunotherapy is another treatment approach used at the clinic.

Inpatient care

Patients from all over the country can receive treatment covered by insurance at the inpatient care clinic.

In treating its patients the clinic uses multidisciplinary approach, which is a current practice, involving well-coordinated work of the Center’s professionals from multiple disciplines.

Pediatric care

The Department of Pediatric Oncology provides advanced high-tech medical care to children under 18 with any type of malignant tumors.

About 80% of children recover and live a high-quality life after treatment.

Day patient facility
Minor surgery department

The Minor Surgery Department of the Center offers minimally invasive surgical treatment to patients with malignant and benign neoplasms, precancerous conditions and underlying medical conditions.

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