Цвет: CCC
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+7 (812) 43-99-555 Monday-Sunday
from 9:00 to 21:00
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Data Collection and Confidentiality Policy

NMRC of Oncology named after N.N. Petrov of MoH of Russia carries out all required operations relating to the protection of personal data in compliance with international standards and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The Center has developed a number of organizational and administrative documents to govern issues relating to all aspects of the protection of personal data which are supplied by our patients and other users of the services provided by the Center.

Personal data are voluntarily provided to the Center by natural persons and may be altered (updated, extended or destroyed) upon their request.

By accessing and using the official web-site of the Center, a natural person provides their personal data and gives their full and unconditional consent for the data to be processed, including any cross-border transmission of the data, which shall be carried out within the frameworks of the Center’s data collection and confidentiality policy.

The Center does not disclose any confidential personal data it has received during the course of its operations to any third parties, unless otherwise stipulated in the legislation of the Russian Federation, and uses such personal data exclusively in the interests of our service users and society on the whole.

Personal data are transmitted by the Center only in a manner envisaged by corresponding norms and regulations to the Center’s partner organizations for the purposes of providing medical services, improving the quality and availability of medical care and making payments using bank cards.

Personal data may be disclosed by the Center to tax authorities, law-enforcement authorities and other government authorities in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and established procedure.

Personal data may be processed by the Center as follows:
- they can undergo automated and non-automated processing;
- they can be transmitted via the Intranet;
- they can be transmitted via the Internet;
- they can be collected, recorded, stored, marshalled, altered (updated, modified), used, shared, blocked and destroyed; and
- they can be transmitted across borders.

Information protection as well as the safety of medical care provided by the Center are the main priorities of the Center.

To prevent any unauthorized access to personal data by third parties and transmission of personal data to third parties, and any illegitimate use of personal data and any other inappropriate actions that may be committed by third persons, the Center is ceaselessly working to improve the organizational and technical measures aimed at the protection of personal data submitted to the Center by natural persons.

The Center reserves the right to introduce amendments and supplements to its data collection and confidentiality policy. Each new reviewed version of the Center’s data collection and confidentiality policy shall come into effect on the day when it is posted on the official web-site of the Center.

You can alter, update or delete your personal data by making a corresponding request by phone or e-mail which are posted on the Center’s web-site in the Contact Us section.

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