Ekaterina A. Busko
1995-2001 – Mechnikov State Medical Academy, St.-Petersburg.
2001-2003 – postgraduate degree in Radiology at the N.N. Petrov National Medical Research Center of Oncology.
Work experience:
2003-present – Radiology Department of the N.N. Petrov National Medical Research Center of Oncology. St-Petersburg. Russia. Breast radiologist, leading researcher.
2015-present – Clinical and educational center «Radiology and Nuclear medicine», Saint Petersburg state University, Russia. Associate professor.
2006 – «Stereotactic breast biopsy». American Society of Radiology. Department of Education. US.
2006 – «Vacuum aspiration breast biopsy». Ethicon Endo-Surgery. Saint-Petersburg. Russia.
2009 – «Radial duct echography and elastography of breast tumors». Provence. France.
2013 – Ph.D. «The role of Sonoelastography in differentiation of non-palpable breast lesions». N.N. Petrov National Medical Research Center of Oncology. St-Petersburg. Russia.
2014 – «Contrast-enhanced ultrasound». Bad Mergentheim. Germany.
2014 – «Modern methods of investigation of breast cancer with the technology of volume navigation». Sienna. Italy.
2016 – «Mammography» Professor Lazlo Tabar course. Torino. Italy.
2016 – «MRI of the breast» EUSOBI course. Paris. France.
2021 – Ph.D. in MS «Multiparametric ultrasound imaging in early detection and monitoring of breast cancer treatment» N.N. Petrov National Medical Research Center of Oncology. St-Petersburg. Russia.
Professional skills:
Diagnostic Imaging in oncology
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Interventional Radiology
Computerized Tomography (CT) Scans
Research experience:
Conducting scientific research in the field of multimodal diagnostics and monitoring of breast cancer treatment.
Scientific supervisor of the dissertation work on the specialty: 3.1.6 Oncology 3.1.25 Radiology.
Member of the Editorial Board of the medical journals: «Tumors of female Reproductive System» ISSN 1999-8627; «Problemy oncologii» ISSN 0507-3758
2013-2023 – 177 scientific works: 51 scientific articles, 11 guidelines, 2 monographs, 5 patents, 108 abstracts, including international radiologic congresses (17).
2011 – European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI)
2011 – European Society of Radiology (ESR)
2015 – Russian Association of Oncological Mammology (RAOM)