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For booking medical appointments:
+7 (812) 43-99-555 Monday-Sunday
from 9:00 to 21:00
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NMRC of Oncology named after N.N. Petrov of MoH of Russia


Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after N.N. Petrov" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
68 Leningradskaya str., Pesochny, Saint Petersburg, 197758, Russia

Consultation and diagnostic centers:

68 Leningradskaya str., Pesochny, Saint Petersburg, 197758, Russia
10-12 Krasnogo Tekstilshchika str., Saint Petersburg, 191124, Russia
5A Moravskiy per., Saint Petersburg, 192289, Russia

Multi-line phone (call center): (812) 43-99-555

Fax: (812) 596-89-47

Е-mail: center.petrova@niioncologii.ru


Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after N.N. Petrov" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
The main building and clinical units of the Center are located in Pesochny, a settlement outside Saint Petersburg, within 20 minutes’ drive along the Viborg Highway to the north of the Saint Petersburg Ring Road.

How to get to the Center by public transport:
By bus 109 and 259 from the Ozerki metro station.
By bus 680 from the Prospekt Prosvescheniya metro station.


The consultation and diagnostic center center of the NMRC of Oncology named after N.N. Petrov of MoH of Russia is located in the center of the city, not far from Alexander Nevsky Square.

How to get to the center by public transport:
Travel by bus 4 and 185 from the Alexander Nevsky metro station to the bus stop ‘One-Stop Documentation Center’ (rus. Ediny tsentr dokumentov) (5-7 minutes).

Patients can park their cars at the parking lot of the Center (first hour for free; 100 rubles per each subsequent hour).


The consultation and diagnostic center of the NMRC of Oncology named after N.N. Petrov of MoH of Russia is located in Outpatient Clinic No. 123, not far from the Dunaiskaya metro station.

Entrance, 1st floor

68 Leningradskaya str., Pesochny, Saint Petersburg, 197758, Russia

Tel.: (812) 43-99-555; факс: (812) 596-89-47
E-mail: center.petrova@niioncologii.ru

Opening hours:
Mon.-Fr.: 8.00-20.00
Sat.: 9.00-20.00

10-12 B Krasnogo Tekstilshchika str., Saint Petersburg, 197758

Opening hours:
Mon.-Fr.: 9.00-20.00
Sat.-Sun.: 10.00-18.00

Tel: (812) 43-99-555
(from 9 till 21, Monday-Saturday)
E-mail: center.petrova@niioncologii.ru

5 A Moravskiy per., Saint Petersburg, 192289

Inside Outpatient Clinic No. 123

Opening hours:
Mon.-Fr.: 9.00-20.00
Sat.-Sun.: 10.00-19.00

To book an appointment,
call +7 (812) 43-99-555
(from 9 till 21, Monday-Saturday)

E-mail: center.petrova@niioncologii.ru

Our Leadership:

Director – Aleksey M. Belyaev, D.Sc., Professor
Director’s assistant – Svetlana O. Grishina
Tel.: (812) 439-95-66
e-mail: center.petrova@niioncologii.ru
Every Thursday from 16.00 to 17.00 by prior appointment only.

Deputy Director – Sergey S. Bagnenko, DSc in Medicine
Deputy Director’s assistant – Anna D. Mrachko
Tel.: (812) 439-95-31
e-mail: center.petrova@niioncologii.ru

Deputy Director, General Administration – Sergey V. Kirichuk
Tel.: (812) 439-95-66
e-mail: center.petrova@niioncologii.ru

Scientific Secretary – Alexander O. Ivantsov, DSc in Medicine
Tel.: (812) 439-95-54
e-mail: center.petrova@niioncologii.ru

Chief of Medicine – Andrei P. Karitskiy, PhD
Every Thursday from 14.00 to 15.00 by prior appointment only.
Tel.: (812) 439-95-31
e-mail: center.petrova@niioncologii.ru

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